Thursday, June 30, 2011

"I'm going to Boise Idaho!"

That's right sports fans, or should I say, BSU fans; we are moving back to the Bronco Nation.
(I really hope others got that reference to singles ward, because Joey didn't and it made me feel a little like a loser)
We'll be moving there the first of August. Joey will be working as the branch manager for At Home Care's boise office. He's been working so hard, and I'm so proud of him. I will be transfering to the Bed Bath and Beyond in Meridian.

Joey is so excited! He's got all the BSU games planned and where he's going to go fly fishing (Joey fly fishes, who knew?) But the best part is, is that we're moving into a house! Yes, no more apartments for us. Its a good thing too, because now we don't have to kill our downstairs neighbors.
We'll have a yard for Roxy and a garage for the cars; so nice. And its so much closer to family. All the ways you look at it, its a good move. And whats funny is that this house is only a block away from the preschool we lived in when we were first married. 6 years and 6 states later, we've come full circle! Well technically 5 states, 1 state twice, oh well whose counting right?

Joey can't wait to leave, the house is mostly packed and we still have a month to go. Always good to be prepared right? Right. I'm just glad that I'm pretty sure this is our last stop. I was done moving when we got here, I'm okay doing it one more time, but that's it! Universe do you hear me! If we move again, technology will have to be very advanced so we do is hit a button and its already at the new place. Wouldn't that be awesome!

Anyway, there's lots a of fun and adventures to be had in the up coming weeks, I know you're all as excited as I am, so I'll let you know whats going on. Until then. Later!

1 comment:

Eric and Jill said...

I am so excited for you! Honestly, so excited. I can't wait to hear how it feels to live in a real home! I'm excited that Joey will be able to attend all those games and I hear fly-fishing is actually really fun. Good luck with the move and I will suggest that you hold off packing for just a little longer otherwise you'll lose everything else you need!